
promote medicine adherence

Personalized Medicine Blister Cards and Dispensers

Our medication cards offer a clear overview, and our dispensers ensure that medication pouch rolls are neatly stored.
These solutions promote medication compliance, are user-friendly, and help prevent errors.

Solutions For Professional Caregivers and Patients


Personalised Medicine Blister Cards:

  • User-friendly
  • Easy-to-understand weekly/monthly intake regimen
  • Comprehensive information about medication
  • Enhances therapy adherence and promotes independent living
  • Assists clients in medication management
  • Unburdens healthcare facilities and caregivers


Medicine Dispensers

  • Safe and convenient storage
  • Pouches presented one at a time
  • Simple to open using a click-lock system
  • Easy-to-read pouch labels
  • Dishwasher-safe
  • Unburdens healthcare facilities and caregivers